“How Beautiful On The Mountains Are The Feet Of Those Who Bring Good News…”
Reaching The Unreached With The Gospel In Western Nepal.
over 10 years
…of working to reach those who have not heard the Gospel, in one of the most remote regions of the world, has brought hundreds to Christ.

Witnessed To In Person
Brought To The Lord
Reached Through Radio Nepal Broadcast
what we do

Spreading the gospel to unreached people.

Teaching new believers what it means to be devoted followers of Jesus.

church planting
Planting house churches in communities where new believers live.

Training Center
Extensive training in how to be a missionary. As of September 2021 our classes meet for 6 months, 7 days a week at the Training Center. The current class is made up of 14 students, our 8th class!

Radio Nepal
Radio blitz of N.W. Nepal with inviting evangelistic messages. This ministry is flourishing, with calls coming in almost every day and people coming from the mountains to our office in Nepalgunj to find out personally who this Almighty God is!!!
“I was listening to a radio broadcast and heard a GNN Evangelistic program. I accepted Jesus and now I want to serve Him 24/7”
“It is September of 2019. I am a Hindu priest who dressed up as a Hindu god. I heard the radio messages coming from GNN and my heart ached to hear more. Every day I listened. Finally I traveled from Bajhang to Nepalgunj and went to Philip’s church. He spent time with me, teaching me the Scriptures of God. I am now a Christian and have thrown out all of my false gods. My life is new and I want to serve Jesus the rest of my life!